Traders monitoring dashboard
This app shows the weekly performance of the traders in Olas Predict.
Weekly metrics of all traders
Description of the graph
These metrics are computed weekly. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Weekly metrics of 🌊 Olas traders
Definition of Olas trader
Agents using Mech, with a service ID and the corresponding safe in the registry
Description of the graph
These metrics are computed weekly. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Weekly metrics of Unclassified traders
Definition of unclassified trader
Agents (safe/EOAs) not using Mechs
Description of the graph
These metrics are computed weekly. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Daily live metrics for all trades
Metrics at the graph
These metrics are computed daily. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Daily live metrics for 🌊 Olas traders
Metrics at the graph
These metrics are computed daily. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Daily live metrics for Non-Olas traders
Metrics at the graph
These metrics are computed daily. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Wow retention by trader type
Activity based on mech interactions for Olas and non_Olas traders and based on trading acitivity for the unclassified ones.
- Olas trader: agent using Mech, with a service ID and the corresponding safe in the registry
- Non-Olas trader: agent using Mech, with no service ID
- Unclassified trader: agent (safe/EOAs) not using Mechs
Wow retention in Pearl markets
Wow retention in Quickstart markets
Cohort retention graphs
The Cohort groups are organized by cohort weeks. A trader is part of a cohort group/week where it was detected the FIRST activity ever of that trader.
Week 0 for a cohort group is the same cohort week of the FIRST detected activity ever of that trader. Only two values are possible for this Week 0:
- 100% if the cohort size is > 0, meaning all traders active that first cohort week
- 0% if the cohort size = 0, meaning no totally new traders started activity that cohort week.
Cohort retention of pearl traders
Cohort retention of 🌊 Olas traders
Cohort retention of quickstart traders
Cohort retention of 🌊 Olas traders
Cohort retention of pearl traders
Cohort retention of unclassified traders
Cohort retention in quickstart traders
Cohort retention of unclassified traders
Active traders for all markets by trader categories
Active traders for Pearl markets by trader categories
Active traders for Quickstart markets by trader categories
Weekly Market Prediction Accuracy for Closed Markets (Kullback-Leibler Divergence)
Aka, how much off is the market prediction’s accuracy from the real outcome of the event. Values capped at 20 for market outcomes completely opposite to the real outcome.
Description of the graph
These metrics are computed weekly. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Meaning of KL-divergence values
* Y = 0.05129
* Market accuracy off by 5%
* Y = 0.1053
* Market accuracy off by 10%
* Y = 0.2876
* Market accuracy off by 25%
* Y = 0.5108
* Market accuracy off by 40%
* Y = 1.2040
* Market accuracy off by 70%
* Y = 2.3026
* Market accuracy off by 90%
Weekly total bet amount per trader type for all markets
Computed only for trader agents using the mech service
Weekly total bet amount per trader type for Pearl markets
Weekly total bet amount per trader type for Quickstart markets
Weekly bet amounts per market for all traders
Computed only for trader agents using the mech service
Weekly bet amounts per market for 🌊 Olas traders
Weekly winning trades percentage from all traders
Description of the graph
These metrics are computed weekly. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines
Weekly winning trades percentage from 🌊 Olas traders
Description of the graph
These metrics are computed weekly. The statistical measures are:
- min, max, 25th(q1), 50th(median) and 75th(q2) percentiles
- the upper and lower fences to delimit possible outliers
- the average values as the dotted lines